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What makes Aletheia Academy Different?

Is Aletheia Academy a tuition centre? What is so different about Aletheia Academy?

These are some of the questions I get from parents.

No. Aletheia Academy is strictly not a tuition centre. My content and curriculum is not based on subjects or skills learnt in mainstream schools. I also do not run my classes like a traditional classroom paradigm.

Aletheia Academy is the first of its kind - a skills-based enrichment program, seeking to impart not only knowledge, but also skills, to give your child an early head-start.

So What Is Different?

Traditional tuition centres focus on improving grades through repeated drilling and wide exposure to content (e.g assessment books, ten-year series, past school papers, etc.). This helps your child to get good grades, but may not prepare them to be independent learners in the future - which is an important skill to develop to succeed in the working world. This is also very expensive because your child needs to keep going back to the tuition centre on a very repetitive and on-going basis.

Aletheia Academy is different in these two aspects. Our courses are time-limited - once your child has learnt the skills and content for that course, he or she can move on to more advanced courses or develop his or her skills independently. It is my aim to have Aletheians "graduate" from the program so that I can offer the program to other children.

As our courses are time-limited, this will naturally result in cost-savings as there is no on-going fee to be paid. You only pay for the course you have selected for your child and nothing else. In a future post, I will also go into more detail on how I try to achieve cost-savings and how I transfer such cost-savings to you, the parent.

What Can I Expect?

Aletheia Academy is truly novel - but you can compare it to enrichment classes such as water sports, ballet, art classes, robotics, etc. Such enrichment classes aim to develop your child's skills and abilities through contextualised activities. This is the same for Aletheia Academy - except that it is in the area of law.

You will look on with pride when you see your child coming to negotiate with you (perhaps on an arrangement for doing the chores), preparing a letter of advice on a legal situation, or even watching them make arguments in a simulated trial.

The skills your child will learn can also help them to be better students in school -

  • Writing Skills: Writing better will assist your child in getting higher scores for English, Literature or even General Paper.

  • Reading & Speaking Skills: Reading and speaking better will assist your child in almost every subject - allowing them to absorb information better and to present their ideas better.

  • Logic Skills: Exercising logic skills regularly will assist your child in making reasoned arguments in English or General Paper, and can also assist in enhancing understanding for Mathematics.

  • Research Skills: Teaching your child how to conduct research will set them up for success - whether as a student or when they enter the work force.

Aletheia Academy seeks to prepare your child for the future.

Aletheia Academy - Tomorrow's Lawyers, Today.

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